Start Your Adventure Here!
Alabama Black Belt Adventures' "Flavors of the Black Belt" is a nine-month campaign celebrating the food and culture of this amazing region. Encompassing 23 counties across central and south Alabama, the Black Belt is widely known for its classical southern cuisine such as barbecue, homemade pies and seafood.
There are nine themed trails, and Monroe County headlines the "Scout for Tasty Treasures" with Clarke and Wilcox counties.
The trails promote consumable products made in the Black Belt in an effort to encourage leisure travel and to generate tax revenues through retail sales and overnight lodging.
Start your adventure here at the Old Courthouse Museum and the Bird's Nest gift shop - filled with locally made treasures.
Full details on Flavors of the Black Belt here.
Find details on Scout for Tasty Treasure here.
More information on Monroe County restaurants here.